Customers should follow public health guidance as set out by NZ Government. If you have any flu-like symptoms please stay at home.
The driver of the vehicle must hold a class 1 or 1R New Zealand Drivers licence and drive under the licence conditions.
There is to be NO SMOKING in the forest at any time. Help us keep everyone safe especially in the dry weather.
Must be on AT ALL TIMES during entry and exit and at all times when driving around the Woodhill Forest venue.
No alcohol is permitted at any time in the Woodhill Forest venue. We have a NO alcohol policy for the safety of all park users
Vehicle must have a current WOF and registration. Vehicle owner or driver must be aware that insurance companies may not cover their vehicles for this type of activity.
Safety belts must be worn at ALL TIMES while driving and must be worn by ALL PASSENGERS in the vehicle throughout the day.
From time-to-time Auckland Off Road Adventure may employ the services of a photographer, videographer or UAV pilot for the purposes of marketing activities. You therefore may be filmed or photographed in the course of your visit. By entering you hereby grant to Auckland Off Road Adventure the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs or video images of you and your vehicle and those of any persons accompanying you, in which may be included, for editorial trade, advertising and any other purpose and in any manner or medium. I agree to advise any passengers in my vehicle, or in my group that they may be filmed or photographed while at Auckland Off Road Adventure. Photographs and video footage (film, digital or other) taken may be used for personal purposes only. Publication in any commercial media or advertising material without the prior written permission of Auckland Off Road Adventure is expressly prohibited.
No animals, pets, dogs in a vehicle or on foot to be taken into the forest at any time.
No fires in the forest anywhere.
No firearm to be carried in the vehicle
Drivers must not deviate from designated route for any reason at any time.
All cargo must be safely strapped down in vehicle.
The possibility for changeable trail conditions exists at all times due to weather, forestry debris (including protruding branches, pine cones and stumps) and terrain erosion; these factors affect the driveability and participants are advised to be aware of changeable conditions.
Participants should be aware of other vehicles at all times and be informed that inexperienced and advanced drivers may appear without warning.
Speed limit in the Park is not to exceed 40kph and in most cases drivers will be required to drive slower to match the conditions.
Vehicles must stay within the 4WD Park boundary and only cross forestry roads at the designated crossings.
The occupants of any vehicle found outside the 4WD park boundary will be asked to leave the park immediately.
Drivers must follow any directional arrows at all times and not attempt to drive trails the wrong way.
From time to time various forestry operations occur in Auckland Off Road Adventure’s area. For safety reasons under no circumstances can anyone enter these operational areas on foot, or in a vehicle, please stay away from any parked or operational equipment.
NO skids or do-nuts in any gravel area, carpark or gravel forestry road. Any driver or person in charge of a vehicle identified doing this agrees to pay the full cost of any repairs to fix damage done to any gravel areas or gravel roads. The driver and or vehicle owner will also be banned from Auckland Off Road Adventure.
In the event a person damages a tree due to incorrect winching procedures or drives in a manner that causes tree damage, that person will be liable to pay for the tree damage.